Annual All-Church Missions Events:
Soup Supper
Each Palm Sunday evening, our Global Missions Covenant Group sponsors a soup supper benefitting a missions project in another part of the world. Lake Shore potters create bowls, and the covenant group makes soup indigenous to the place we are helping. After the meal and a service of prayers for peace, each person takes a bowl home to eat from during Holy Week as a reminder of our prayer that each person may have enough to eat.
Missions Tree
During Advent we decorate a “missons tree” in the hall. Each ornament represents a project that has been selected by one of our missions covenant groups. Many of the global gifts are financial (for instance, $100 toward a water project in Cameroon or $!20 to sponsor a child at Shalom Children’s Center in Ghana). Local gifts are often items an individual or a family can shop for or wrap (diapers for Family Abuse Center or a heater for a Meals on Wheels client).
Case Against Hunger
During Lent Lake Shore’s halls are lined with cases of food – canned beans, spaghetti, peanut butter, tuna, oatmeal, etc. The Caritas’ covenant group organizes the sale of these items from H.E.B. to Lake Shore members, so that they may have the chance to give full cases of food, not simply single cans. All that we sell is delivered to Caritas for its shelves.